Friday, May 29, 2009

Creative Ways to Use Twitter

From my previous post, I've discussed that Twitter can be used as a recruitment tool.

Here are some other ways you can use Twitter particularly in supporting your marketing and branding efforts:

* Press releases: you can keep your audience up to date with your brand’s latest developments by posting links to your press releases.
* Time-sensitive special offers: you can use Twitter to promote items on sale, or special fares, like some airlines are already doing.
* Post event updates: if you go to a conference or trade show, you can tweet about the latest developments.
* News updates: Twitter can be a good medium to post news items of interest to your customers.
* Disaster Relief: Organizations such as the Red Cross are using twitter to post updates on their efforts to help during natural disasters and emergencies.
* Daily schedules: musicians, politicians and other traveling acts are using Twitter to post news about their appearances, schedules, etc.
* Links to interesting web pages: You can use Twitter as a social bookmarking service, like Delicious or Stumbleupon.
* New blog posts announcements: You can post a tweet every time you update your blog. True, you can also achieve this through RSS, but Twitter gives you yet another avenue to reach people that otherwise wouldn’t have had access to your RSS feed.
* Blog widget: you can install Twitter on your blog’s sidebar to show your latest tweets and give your blog a more interactive feel.
* Real estate listings: real estate agents can use Twitter to post links to new listings.
* Promotions: if you have a “deal of the day”, “daily lunch special” or any other recurring, time-sensitive promotion you can announce it in Twitter.
* Recruitment tool: many companies have filled positions with people they found through Twitter.
* Personal branding: by drafting a compelling personal profile, posting brief insights on topics related to your field, and by nurturing your network of followers, over time your Twitter account can turn into a strong personal branding signal.

Another beauty of Twitter is that’s it’s very easy to post. You can do so from Twitter’s website, by IM and even by sending text messages from your phone. source



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