This is a re-post from my friend's blog regarding his experience of twitter.
Yes, Fall Out Boy lead guitarist Joe Trohman and I are twitter buddies. Well, not exactly. At least he replied to two of my tweets.
Here's what happened.
I was watching Myx. Myx News was featuring April celebrity birthdays. There, I found out that Patrick Stump's (FOB vocalist & pseudo-frontman) birthday was on April 27. I am a big fan of his voice.
I wanted to give him my greetings. However, I have no idea how to reach him. I remembered that Pete Wentz (FOB bassist and famous hubby to Ashlee Simpson) and Joe Trohman were active in Twitter. So, I decided to greet Patrick through them.
I though that like most of my other tweets, these two would just be ignored. After all, Pete only replies to haters.
The next day, I was surprised when Joe replied to my tweet. He said "very far off". (2nd pic) I wasn't clear what he meant but I thought that he was annoyed. I remember that he used to complain that a lot of people keep on asking him about Patrick.
So, I decided to apologize (3rd pic).
7 hours later, he gave another reply. (4th pic)
I know that this is hardly a conversation. Still, I am psyched that a guy from a famous band "talked" to me. This would almost be impossible a few years ago.
I am really amazed by the Internet. I feel at awe on how it shattered the boundaries of space and time. Now, we can communicate with anyone in the world, synchronously or not.
However, it frightens me. Online culture is slowly converging people from far away nations. Will the Internet also shatter the notion of identity? Think about it.
Still, a FOB member "talked" to me. cool.

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