Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pay per Tweet

Remember pay per post? yeah right, the controversial ad initiative that used to pay bloggers to write about products almost as if promoting it. The news is, they are at Twitter now and wants to make a new business model of the same kind and has named it Pay Per Tweet. So what they mean is very simple. They are developing a Twitter ad platform called Sponsored Tweets that will offer Twitter users the option of sending their followers messages about brands and products. Twitterers will get paid based either on the number of clicks they receive or on a flat fee per Tweet. Ted Murphy, Izea's (formerly PayperPost) CEO said it will take another month to launch this. So whats up guys? People who already have a good bunch of followers can start earning decently. Though I donno how well the felllow followers (@ twitter) will take it if you bump up with survey ads and mommy's kitchens' menu in the morning. However, considering the human resources and real time online projection that twitter has, I am sure PPT may catch up with the hot trends pretty soon.

As Adweek broke the news, they report,

While Izea's programs with notable bloggers like Julia Allison and Chris Brogan have generated attention, the company's focus remains on small-time bloggers with audiences of only a few hundred readers per month, Murphy said. That makes Twitter an ideal venue, particularly with its built-in viral appeal. Izea plans to expand into other social media platforms like YouTube.

Will they be any different from normal tweets?

Thankfully, yes. Those posts will carry a #spon hash-tag in the messages. Izea plans to use the same system for campaigns run through Sponsored Tweets.

Considering this as a success, I think the best person to balance between his personal preferences and brand projection will benefit a lot. If it shapes up, we sure will cover it. For now, let's wait. source



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