Friday, October 16, 2009

The Twitter Lists feature

Twitter has rolled out a new Lists feature that was announced last month. Selected groups of people are getting Lists feature that allows custom Twitter users list that other users can follow with single click. List feature is basically a group of Twitter friends that another user can follow with a single click.

The Twitter team has been beta testing the new Lists feature with a closed group of testers. New Lists features comprises of creating Public or Private lists of Twitter users that one follows. Other Twitter users can simply click on the List and follow the users. Lists would be Public by default.

Selected users would be greeted with a "New Lists" banner asking them to create lists of users he/she follows. The users who've got the Lists feature can click on their lists on below their display image where Lists replace number of Updates.

Click on the Lists option on the right hand side banner and it will take you to the 'Lists following you' and 'Lists You Follow' page. Click on the respective list and you get to see the a number of users grouped in each list. Basically, it's the grouping concept which emerged from 'Follow Friday' concept. As per this concept, a Twitter user can recommend several other Twitter users to follow.

Twitter has taken the third-party alternative competition seriously and has thus rolled out different features over the time. Nonetheless, we may anticipate a few hiccups and downtimes but eventually, it is good in the long run.




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